From didactics to practice: Design Courses for aspiring professionals


Watchword: training. Professional training is an increasingly trendy and topical aspect of the workadapting perfectly to the evolutions of sectors conquered by the new technologies. This is a now unstoppable process that pushes more and more towards high specialisation, i.e. towards the acquisition of sectoral and verticalised skills.
The Design is one of the most innovative sectors in the world of work, for which specific skills are required depending on the areas of application. For each of these, in addition to special skills, there are new tools and dedicated software that need to be thoroughly familiarised with in order to be competitive in a field that runs at indescribable speed.
But what are the Design courses most wanted of the moment?

The 4 Most Popular Design Courses: The Interior Design Course

Follow a Cbear in Interior Design is the ideal solution for those who want to acquire the necessary technical skills, but also for those who want to learn the very essence of design, i.e. to transform needs and desires into spaces and environments that are aesthetically pleasing, comfortable and able to excite. The work of the interior designerIn fact, it does not only have a practical and technological component but is above all part of the emotional one, that sense of beauty typical of art. A professional interior designer, first and foremost, must satisfy the customer's need to feel at ease in their own comfortable environment, away from stress. In essence, the interior designer must have the ability, with intelligence and creativity, to meet the demands of buyers, giving them a dream called home.

Learn how to design products with the Course in Product Design

The Product Designer is the professional who deals with the product design with an attractive and functional design, intended for series production. Acting as a meeting point between the people and technologyaims to designing objects that facilitate everyday life. This is why his work involves a 'user centric' approach: starting from the context and needs of users, he uses creative thinking to solve problems and foster innovation. Following a Cbear of Product Design means consolidating technical and artistic skills in the design of industrial products, integrating concept, research and customer needs, between functionality and design choices.

Become a fashion design expert with the Course in Fashion Design



The fashion world, with all its creative, organisational and economic processes, is one of the most fascinating, structured and complex industrial universes in existence. At the foundation of the fashion industry's creative flair is a figure who discreetly contributes to the smooth functioning of every single style rule: the fashion designer. In the course of their training, the fashion designer may decide to undertake paths divided by production chain and specialise in specific areas. Once trained, this figure assumes the role of director, the mind that analyses, elaborates and supervises the creation of a model from start to finish. The fashion designer is, in short, the perfect marriage of mind and artistic personality.
But what is the real difference between the stylist and the fashion designer? If we were to attribute a distinctive appellation to each, the former would be 'creator' and the latter 'designer'. To put it bluntly, the substantial difference between one and the other is that the designer gives life to all new creations, without starting from any base, whereas the designer creates something new from a base already created. The designer can always become a designer, but the opposite rarely happens.

Technical knowledge, drawing skills and far-sighted creativity are inevitably the hallmarks of any skilful and good designer. A professional figure who, in addition to innate qualities, must always and necessarily possess a specific training.

NFT and the changing relationship between digital and physical space: the future of design lies in blockchain

Purely digital creations that can be auctioned and even owned but never touched: this is the paradox of NFTs. The idea of digital 'facsimiles', sold at a price that mirrors that of their more tangible counterparts, only a year ago seemed unthinkable, but now, thanks to NFTs, this innovative opportunity has arisen. Following a Course in NFT means turning a digital work or any unique content into an NFT and acquiring, not only specific skills in this regard, but also equipping oneself with what it takes to enter this particular business. In fact, even as a simple buyer and not necessarily as a content creator, moving around unique digital content buying and selling sites is neither simple nor obvious. Trying to do business in the world of NFT without a thorough knowledge of what 'smart contracts' are, what the blockchain is, what currencies through which NFT is bought and sold, and how all this is regulated, is practically impossible and risks being an activity that leads to heavy losses rather than gains.

The training offer of the Italian Design Institute

The watchword when it comes to Design Courses is specialisation. The higher education institution Italian Design Institute organises 5 different Design Masters that delve into various subjects thanks to lecturers who represent excellence in the field:

  1. Master in Interior Design
  2. Master in Yacht Design
  3. Master in Garden Design
  4. Master in Car Design
  5. Master in Product Design

IDI academic programmes are designed to provide solid marketable skills. The approach to classes is theoretical and practical and the stages of project work and company internship create the conditions for a rapid entry into the labour market.

You want to know more about Master in Design at IDI? Visit the site and explore all our opportunities in detail!

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