Architecture of psychopathy: Babina's journey into mental illness


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Federico Babinaborn in Bologna and then moved to Barcelona, is enchanting the world with his arch-series.
Known for his geometric style inspired by cubism, Babina is known for his illustrations inspired by the world of the'architectureconnecting it with cinema, directors, writers, music and through its latest collection, theArchiatricwith mental illness.

A visual journey that, through 16 illustrations, takes us by the hand into the world of mental disorders, representing them through deformed houses. With a strong stroke and at the same time bizarre in its simplicity, the observer finds himself thrown into an unknown world, or usually known only through the stereotypes of diagnostic manuals and society. Every single pathology is represented in a clear, strong and sometimes destabilising manner. The choice of the house is certainly not random: the archetype of the house represents the 'nest' par excellence, the deepest identity hidden within the ego.ansia


Babina succeeds in the perfect intent of translating the language of psychopathology into that of architecture through a visual transformation, with a goal that is certainly not to give an air of romanticism to mental illness, but rather to break the schematic vision influenced by prejudice, through which the observer usually views mental disorders.
As many as 16 illustrations, from dementia, autism, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, to the depiction of depression and anxiety, the pathologies that most affect the depressionewelfare of the third millennium society. In particular the depression is depicted as a walled house, closing in on itself as it shrinks more and more living space.

Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, insomnia, phobias and obsessive compulsive disorder, depicted through sharp and precise lines that form geometric shapes all equal to themselves and repeated, within which the person is placed, making the perception of slavery immediate, arising from the need for irrational control and eventually enslaving identity.disturbo ossessivo compulsivo
And again, dyslexia, paranoia, autism, gender identity disorder and dissociative disorder, among perhaps the most disturbing representations, excellently rendering the idea of loss of contact with the babinareal, panic and emptiness.

Source: Federico Babina[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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