Money, the sculptures made from coins by Robert Wechsler


It is called Robert Wechsler and he is the author of Money, a very interesting collection of geometric sculptures made entirely from coins.Hence the name of the project, 'Money', which comprises 20 works somewhere between art and three-dimensional technique.

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The aim of the Wechsler is to bring attention to money, which has almost disappeared in its material guise and is increasingly being replaced by three-dimensional currency.

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Moreover, the author also seems to have wanted to emphasise how incredible aesthetic potential is hidden in every object.
Le coin sculptures are a work of engineering and study of three-dimensionality and geometry and, at the same time, they enchant with their hypnotic perfection.

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All the works seem to have a dual soul: the futuristic one linked to the form they propose, and the one turned to the past, to the history that accompanied each coin.

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