Cluttercore: Furniture that celebrates memory and affection


Minimalism extreme farewell. The Design, which until recently espoused this concept, which was expressed by the tendency to free up space, to simplify, removing everything superfluous, now changes course.

In fact, a new trend in furniture, called  Cluttercore
In recent years, the world of interior design witnessed a clear predominance of styles characterised by minimalism, order and balance. These currents promoted bare, linear environments where each element had a precise place and a reason for being.

The CluttercoreHowever, in spite of its name, which conjures up images of chaos and disorder, it is actually a hymn to the extreme customisation of living spaces. This current is distinguished by its predilection for thewell-designed' accumulation of furnitureobjects and accessories, each of which tells a story, evokes a memory or reflects an aspect of the inhabitant's personality. The basic idea is to surround ourselves with everything that makes us feel truly at home, turning spaces into a sort of three-dimensional diary of our lives.

Cluttercore's main challenge lies in its apparent contradiction: how can an environment loaded with different objects, styles and patterns appear harmonious and not oppressive? The answer lies in the way these elements are combined. Despite the initial impression of disorder, each choice is the result of a thoughtful process, where the positioning of each object is designed to create a unique visual balance. Cluttercore, therefore, is not synonymous with chaos, but with an alternative order, where accumulation becomes an expression of identity and personal well-being.

In contrast to minimalism, which often results in almost aseptic environments, the Cluttercore invites you to embrace complexity and visual richness. This decorative approach celebrates individuality, allowing people to break free from traditional aesthetic canons and express themselves unfiltered through the spaces they live in.

The Cluttercore represents a real revolution in furniture and interior designoffering a fresh alternative to those who feel stifled by the rigid rules of minimalism. Through the exaltation of well-thought-out 'disorder', this trend encourages us to rediscover the pleasure of living surrounded by what we love, in environments that authentically reflect who we are.

A trend that radically departs from the idea of aseptic spaces devoid of personality, proposing instead to embrace objects that tell stories and cherish memories.

The term 'cluttercore' originates from a user of TikTokwho showed the world his room, a microcosm of memories and personality, through videos that hinted at carefully chosen books, paintings and knick-knacks. Hence, the birth of a trend who sees accumulation not as a taboo, but as an art.

More than a Trend, an expression of life

The cluttercore goes beyond pure aesthetics; it is an emotional expression, a declaration of love towards the objects that have accompanied us throughout our lives. This style is based on the idea of creating lived-in environments that truly reflect the identity of those who inhabit them, transforming the home into a silent narrator of our existences.

Unlike what it might seem, adopt cluttercore does not mean giving in to disorderly accumulation. On the contrary, it requires care and attention in the selection and arrangement of objects, which must harmonise to create cosy and meaningful spaces.

Cluttercore: a dialogue between styles

The cluttercore goes perfectly with the eclectic style, where the contrast and mixture of eras and trends merge into a visually striking unicum. However, its versatility allows it to be integrated into any living context, giving everyone the freedom to customise corners of the home with collections of significant objectswithout necessarily disrupting thepre-existing furniture.

What are the main elements of cluttercore?

  • A clearly identified space to create an interesting focal point.
  • The organisation of objects in space through visual order and balance
  • Grouping objects by theme or colour for harmonious impact.
  • Mixing elements of different origins
  • Creativity, aesthetic sense and customisation
  • A natural touch with plants and small green spaces

Interior design that tells stories

The cluttercore is an invitation to celebrate the history, affection and emotions that each object can evoke, creating environments that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also emotionally rich.

Incorporating the cluttercore in our spaces, we embrace a more inclusive and personal vision of interior design that values personal storytelling and emotional significance over mere functionality or aesthetic tendency. This approach allows us to live in environments that truly reflect who we are, full of life and stories to tell.

The cluttercoreis not just a passing trend in the world of furniture; it represents a deeper change in the way we perceive and experience our spaces. It is an invitation to reconsider our relationship with objects, to value them not only for their appearance or material value, but for their personal significance and their ability to contribute to our daily happiness.

Ultimately, the cluttercore celebrates uniqueness, theimperfection and the beauty of life livedreminding us that true harmony in a home comes from the love and memories that reside in it. So, if cluttercore resonates with you, embrace it as a philosophy of life that enriches your everyday life, transforming your home into a treasure trove of cherished and experienced memories, a true sanctuary of personality and warmth.

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