Flower design - The secrets of the perfect bouquet


Thanks to American films, and the classic scene of the bride throwing the bouquet to the single friends piled up behind her ready to pounce, that bouquet has become one of the stars of the day. A protagonist that has to be perfect, like everything else. Here are some flower designer secrets that can help define the style and packaging of the bride's perfect bouquet.

Consider your dress and design style

Without a clear design theme by now a wedding planner does not even begin to open his column. Organising an entire ceremony without this fundamental pre-condition is like navigating a ship without a compass. Even the wedding dress must therefore fit into this stylistic framework, and consequently also the bouquet, which in addition cannot perform a mere accompanying functionbut it must add something. The good flower designer will recommend the bouquet that will be able to extend the sensory richness of the design theme one step further.

I segreti del Bouquet Perfetto

Consider the season

Flowers are at their best when they are in season. There is no point in spending thousands of euros to get Malawi roses in January, it will just be an unnecessary and therefore vulgar display of wealth. Vice versa also a flower considered poor, picked in its season and well matched, will be elegant and right. If you want to go it alone, play it safe: in spring choose peonies; in summer roses; in autumn heather flowers; in winter orchids.

Your physical constitution is also important

The good flower designer will ask you to meet in person, preferably with your groom-to-be, and ask to see photos of the dress you have chosen. It is not mere curiosity, he is deciding which flowers and what kind of bouquet will best suit your person and the overall image that your couple will convey. In particular the proportion between your figure and that of the bouquet must be harmonious. Tall, sturdy brides with small bouquets or petite brides with large bouquets are both choices to be carefully avoided.

Colours, shapes and sizes of the perfect bouquet

Again, one must put aside one's personal tastes, or worse the famous secret language of flowers (always remember that a code if it is not shared with others cannot communicate anything). The right flower, the right colour and the right size will be the one that best matches the chosen design theme, the colour of the dress (even white now has many shades) and the bride's build. As the poet said: everything else is boredom.

I segreti del Bouquet Perfetto

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