Giorgio Caporaso

Giorgio Caporaso has been working in the field of design and architecture since 1996.
The architect and designer has always designed houses and furniture that combine beauty and sustainability, and is convinced of their positive role for the environment.
For the past three years, the Lombard architect trained at the Milan Polytechnic has been furnishing the Legambiente stand at Ecomondo, further proof of his attention to the environment, also confirmed in the field of architecture, where he pays particular attention in his constructions to concepts such as energy saving, renewable energy, green roofs and roof gardens.


Company data

Sviluppo Europa s.r.l.
Via Albricci, 9 - 20122 Milan
P.I. 10282190965
unique code: M5UXCR1
[email protected]

Province Register Office. chamber of commerce Milan Monza Brianza Lodi
Fiscal Code is the VAT number
REA number MI-2519496
Share Capital 10,000

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