Indoor Green: Portable Vertical Gardens.


Vertical vegetable garden. A nice trend that is spreading even in small spaces. There is a now widespread need to recreate one's own small green spacemade of aromatic or vegetable plants.

With a view to sustainability, the portable vertical garden can be made entirely from recycled material, installed in any environment, even on a wall only 3 metres long.
For easy maintenance of the plants and to allow proper exposure to the sun, the design can be based on a modular structure, which fully solves the problem of the lack of outdoor space in which to plant flowers, plants and vegetables.

verde indoor giardini verticali portatili italian design institute 1

The portable vertical garden has the advantage that it can be cared for while standing, reducing back strain. In addition, the number of weeds and insects is also greatly reduced, not forgetting, in the interests of saving money, that the amount of water required for the plants is far less than in a traditional cultivation.

Not only that, the vertical garden in the home is a decorative element with a strong visual impact, as well as having numerous positive effects on the mood of those living in that space.
With regard to the cultivation of vegetables for a vertical vegetable garden, the following plants are preferred:

  • parsley,
  • tomato,
  • basil,
  • mint,
  • chives,
  • strawberries,
  • rosemary
  • spices and herbs

Small portable glass gardens.

They are part of the art of indoor green even small gardens in glass ampoules. For those who don't want to do without greenery in the home but don't have the space or time to take care of plants, here are these pretty and impactful green solutions.
For creating portable gardens as these, all you need is glass containers, potting soil, fertiliser, aquarium tongs, seedlings, moss, water for aquatic plants; distribute the fertilised soil on the bottom of the pot, arrange the seedlings inside the pot with the help of aquarium tongs and give free rein to the composition with stones, shells, bark or other decorative material available. All you have to remember is to give a little water every day, without overdoing it. small indoor garden.

If you want to learn how to create a vertical vegetable garden or a home garden, sign up for the Italian Design Institute's Indoor Green Course.

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