Making packaging? It all starts with research


Research is the first step if you want to realising a packaging design. Starting with the market one, indispensable to understand the target of reference, i.e. who will use the product, right down to the colours that are most closely associated with that product, the degree of brand recognition, the degree of awareness of the brand, and competitors.
But what aspects of this research should be taken into account and investigated before the creation of packaging?

  • Material research and production techniques: if 'the medium is the message', the choice of material with which to package a product is in itself 'communicative' of the product itself.
  • Research on the destination of the product: its use, durability, transport.
  • Research into the characteristics it must possess in terms of security as well
  • Research on graphics to be used
  • Research into ergonomics or the interaction between man and his environment
  • Consumer experience research
  • Cost research
  • Research on what are the trend of the year

Le steps preceding the realisation of a packaging project also foresee the need to dwell on the following points:

  1. ricerca nel packaging design italian design institute
  2. Budget of expenditure to be invested in the realisation and design of packaging: a maximum expenditure ceiling must be set, always trying to stay below it, because it could happen that some changes lead to an increase in costs
  3. Correct positioning of the product on the market i.e. the positioning
  4. La position within a dot for salea key element in capturing the consumer's attention and enticing them to purchase
  5. Materials to be used
  6. Technique of printing
  7. Identity of the company

You want to learn to packaging design and work in a fascinating field of communication? Choose the Italian Design Institute short master's degreediscover the programmes, lecturers and benefits.

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