The maker movement - how to make a better reality


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“La stampa 3D rende economico creare singoli oggetti tanto quanto crearne migliaia e quindi mina le economie di scala. Essa potrebbe avere sul mondo un impatto così profondo come lo ebbe l’avvento della fabbrica… Proprio come nessuno avrebbe potuto predire l’impatto del motore a vapore nel 1750 — o della macchina da stampa nel 1450, o del transistor nel 1950 — è impossibile prevedere l’impatto a lungo termine della stampa 3D. Ma la tecnologia sta arrivando, ed è probabile che sovvertirà ogni campo che toccherà”.

With this long article published on 10 February 2011 in The Economist, the era of 3D printing began. The technology had already existed for a few years, but its public dissemination, the tale of its immense possibilities and the fascination in the collective imagination date back to the publication of that article. The three-dimensional revolution officially began.

3D printing is the bridge connecting the digital world with the physical world. Each image can become a three-dimensional CAD model and then an instruction file for a 3D printer that, layer by layer, will begin to create the object, in a myriad of possible materials ranging from titanium to sugar, from bioplastic to wood. It is called additive manufacturing and is the exact opposite of what has been done so far.

In large-scale industrial production prevails subtractive productionThat is to say, raw materials are taken and excavated, removing superfluous material until the desired shape is obtained, rather like a sculptor works when sculpting a marble statue. This is very onerousboth in terms of energy spent and material wasted. Additive manufacturing solves both these problemsallowing the creation of customised objects to individual needs (e.g. bone prostheses) and the small-scale production of objects intended for a specific audience (example: the carburettor sleeve of a 1964 Triumph Bonneville). It also paves the way for the creation of objects previously impossible to produce using subtractive techniques and traditional tools, or non-standardised for assembly line production.

And this is where the other side of the coin comes in, which has turned this technological innovation into a rising tide: the international maker movement. "Maker' is the label that defines a human type, it is the digital craftsman, the inventor, the 'geek', the person dissatisfied with what he finds in the marketplace and eager to modify itmake it better, adapt it to one's own needs. Makers are the hackers of reality. The movement is based on the sharing of open source software and hardware and on a vision of the economy that is not competitive but collaborative, because when benefits are shared they multiply their effect, producing prosperity for the whole community.

3D printing and the maker movement are the two protagonists of a new production-organisation model capable of generating innovation from below, a model that could change the paradigm firstly economic and then political of our world. It is in this revolutionary context that the Italian Design Institute's new master's degree course entitled: "Be a Maker", the first training course in Italy that will give students all the cognitive and practical tools they need to self-build, programme and use a 3D printer in a professional manner, is to be found. An unprecedented training course, straddling design, mechanics, electronics and ITwhich aims to be the forge of a new class of avant-garde creatives, the pioneers of an industry with infinite possibilities.

Here you can find out more about our Be a maker' master.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][mk_button dimension=”outline” corner_style=”full_rounded” size=”medium” icon=”mk-icon-home” url=”/” align=”center” margin_top=”15″ margin_bottom=”0″ margin_right=”0″]Torna alla Home[/mk_button][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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