John Francis Frascino

Giovanni Francesco Frascino is an architect and professor based in Naples.
Alongside his professional practice, he also has a keen interest in research. In addition to residential design, he is also involved in exhibition design, pavilions, eateries and product design. He remains active in university research by teaching courses, masters and workshops. In 2015, he designed the Italian pavilion at the Venice Biennale together with Vincenzo Trione. and still collaborates with leading curators on museum exhibition projects throughout Italy. He currently holds a contract in Milan for teaching an official course in DESIGNING SETTINGS at the Department of Communication, Arts and Media in the Faculty of Arts and Tourism at IULM.
Among the most significant exhibition projects: "AFFINITY gabriele basilico, mimmo jodice su alvaro siza" "EL SIGLO DE GIORGIO DE CHIRICO metafisica y architectura", the Valencia Biennial 09 "CONFINES pasajes de las artes contemporaneas".


Company data

Sviluppo Europa s.r.l.
Via Albricci, 9 - 20122 Milan
P.I. 10282190965
unique code: M5UXCR1
[email protected]

Province Register Office. chamber of commerce Milan Monza Brianza Lodi
Fiscal Code is the VAT number
REA number MI-2519496
Share Capital 10,000

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