Gianfranco Giacoma Caire

Gianfranco Giacoma Caire
The professional experience of Gianfranco Giacoma Caire has developed and consolidated in the field, working with small and medium-sized companies and with important international brands. These experiences allowed him to acquire a vast knowledge of the different strategies to adopt based on the market, the product, the size and structure of the company. One of the greatest experts in Visual Merchandising in Italy, Gianfranco Giacoma Caire is the author of the book Visual Merchandising: mirror and soul of the store. Great communication and marketing expert, among the numerous brands for which he works, we remember : Rinascente, Glenfield, No Limits, Parah, Mattel, L'Oreal, Maybelline, Max Mara, Emmelunga, Il Corriere della sera and Apple .

Company data

Sviluppo Europa s.r.l.
Via Albricci, 9 - 20122 Milan
P.I. 10282190965
unique code: M5UXCR1
[email protected]

Province Register Office. chamber of commerce Milan Monza Brianza Lodi
Fiscal Code is the VAT number
REA number MI-2519496
Share Capital 10,000

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