Giorgia Pallotti

Giorgia Pallotti

Giorgia Pallotti was born in Verona and graduated in Architecture in Florence, specialising in "Protection and Recovery of the Historical-Artistic Heritage". After graduating, she collaborated with various architecture studios, covering the role of project developer. Since 2006 he has been External Relations and Event manager for Simone Micheli Architectural Hero for the offices in Florence, Milan, Dubai, Rabat and Busan. He has held lectures and conferences in Italy and abroad, managing and coordinating events, exhibitions, participation in trade fairs and paying particular attention to communication aspects.


Company data

Sviluppo Europa s.r.l.
Via Albricci, 9 - 20122 Milan
P.I. 10282190965
unique code: M5UXCR1
[email protected]

Province Register Office. chamber of commerce Milan Monza Brianza Lodi
Fiscal Code is the VAT number
REA number MI-2519496
Share Capital 10,000

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