Maurizio Corbi

Maurizio Corbi

Maurizio Corbi has been a senior car designer at Pininfarinawhere he arrived in 1989 after collaborating with companies in the sector such as Aviointeriors and Bertone. At Pininfarina, he turned a childhood dream into reality: designing cars. He collaborated on the design of world-class cars such as the Ferrari 550 Maranello, Ferrari F50, Ferrari 355 e Ferrari Californialaunched at the Paris Auto Show in 2008. As he matured, he began to devote more attention to classic cars, illustrating them using a hyperrealist technique. Maurizio Corbi is currently active in teaching in the field of automotive design.


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Sviluppo Europa s.r.l.
Via Albricci, 9 - 20122 Milan
P.I. 10282190965
unique code: M5UXCR1
[email protected]

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REA number MI-2519496
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