Design that tells identity: Dario Curatolo's installations


A combination of space, volume and multimedia reality. It might be too reductive to speak in these terms of the installations by Dario Curatolocreations that dialectically narrate, through films and holograms, corporate identities, institutional values, but also projects and ideas.
The result is a cognitive experiential journey for the visitor, born from a deep understanding and comparison of the material and immaterial dimensions.

In Honk Kong, Dario Curatolo's installations for Design Week

The installations by Dario Curatolo amaze, make you think, immerse you in extraordinary atmospheres, and will be on show at the Italian Pavilion at Hong Kong Design Week, scheduled for December 2017.
The exhibition concept of the art director and designer - as he explains to the magazine Interiors - aims to "build an environment around the idea, to tell a story through a space that takes the form of the idea itself. From the walls, to the lettering, to the graphic interventions, each piece comes together in an articulated jigsaw puzzle that allows an idea or a product to be transformed into an experience".
Holograms and immersive projections become 'narrative containers', real interactive narrative paths for visitors.

allestimenti di dario curatolo italian design institute 1
The result is a visual exploration of great impact, a virtual journey of Italian savoir-faire, an interactive and engaging multi-level narrative in which space and volumes become the very instrument of the visual journey.
Storytelling is at the heart of all Curatolo's work, which even in the productions of past years, such as those for the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale of 2012 or the one made for the FuoriSalone 2014 within the spaces of Palazzo Cusani in Milan - just to name a few - proposes environments and visual multimedia suggestions brought back from the screens, going beyond the very concept of an exhibition space. through a true sensorial experience, these virtual stories become the very expression of a narrative dimension of the project, the very identity of an idea.

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